November 12, 2009

What Are Your Vintage Treasures?

Do you have vintage treasures? Objects in your life that hold special meaning, that prompt fond memories? Or perhaps treasures which have been inherited, deliberately sought out, or those which came about out of randomness?

Close up of antique linen drawnwork tablecloth. Oh, the amazing workmanship!

When I walk through estate sales, quite often I am overcome with a wave of sadness. For, a special item which may have been coveted for so long, or held so close to a heart, is now nothing. It is if I am walking through someone's entire life now left to the wind: one's accomplishments, travels, collections, family history... one's timeless treasures are just "things", treasures with meaning no more.

I latch onto things I see at estate sales thinking of their places in the past and sometimes this starts collections. It started with vintage linens when I saw the gorgeous array of embroidery, cross-stitch, lacework and such and I imagined women stitching away long into the nights trying to beautify their homes. Being a 21st-century kind of gal with all sorts of stuff to get done in a day, I could only appreciate the true will these women had to do it all, and to do it literally without missing a stitch. Vintage linens and textiles are a warm and tactile expression of womens' artistic talents and creative desires across the world throughout time - and I love them for that.

A small display of some of my antique photographs, all of which are direct family descendents and also more distant relatives along with a gorgeous vintage inlaid wood Italian musical jewelry box.

A wonderfully rare find ~ A family's entire documentation of their train adventure out West to Sun Valley in the 50s, complete with all receipts, packing lists and other written notes, vintage brochures, postcards and photos ~ and so much more.

A little collection of vintage European children's clothing... sweet duckies, folk people, a dala horse and wonderful ethnic patterns adorn these tiny frocks.)

But as Keats says, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever..." Beautiful things absolutely transcend time, and beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

(A gorgeously-hued Christmas ball brightenes up the tree.)

Your timeless vintage treasures tell a story about you and what you cherish in your life: love, beauty, family... So come, Dear Reader, and share with me your story! Whether it be a collection of old sewing patterns from your Mom or Gram, a special Christmas ornament, a thimble collection or anything vintage that holds special meaning in your heart, let the world know, here at Bella Tarra Vintage.

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